the felt hurt, from the phone-call
you didn’t make
contracts your soul’s airspace
to call on a friend (that calls on
you) in the spiritual world,
should always be
Jag har prenumererat på Nya
sedan start
nu har de tagit en väldig fart
och kör motorvägen med busslasten –
utan att svänga av på en enda landsväg!
snacka om att man blir kissnödig, vrålhungrig, och illamående!
25 April 2020
sedan start
nu har de tagit en väldig fart
och kör motorvägen med busslasten –
utan att svänga av på en enda landsväg!
snacka om att man blir kissnödig, vrålhungrig, och illamående!
25 April 2020
den som visslar, visslar på
Shytan, som det står i Sunnah:
så försök aldrig framkalla en
sexfantasi, utan vänta,
tills Allah ger dig liv.
The one who bases his work on the despair of others
and tries to enslave them
like they were a bad father
gets impurities growing into their brains
such pains on both sides in mind and bodies –
what a sinner!
lacking in chivalry!
one groans in this world, the other in eternal
Arvid Falk i Röda
Rummet ‘undviker att stjäla förtroenden’ – idag heter det dock ’kodord’ och är
en sak som sammansvetsade ungdomar använder. Detta varnade Strindberg för.
’Kraftwerk’ (!) :
kunde det finnas ett tydligare idol-namn på ett musikband?!
och allt de vill
se är hur upplysta människor vänder sig till ’kraftens mörka sida’, och blir
Separera + och –
och låta det hela bli ett kraftverk!
Ifall jag gissar
rätt, utan att veta något om Carl Fredrik Hill, så undertryckte han sina
lustar: kanske hade han blivit sårad utav någon dam som hånat honom då han
varit intresserad, och, bestämt sig för att ta den hårda vägen?
Han slutade som
en galning med en episod där han hade alla fönster i sitt hus i Paris på vid
gavel, när vädret utanför var kallt, och till besökare sa han: det är varmt som
ini Helvete!
Andra typen, som
jagar efter sina lustar, vad Lavater kallade en syndare, kan däremot få
vanföreställningen att det är kallt, och ’att det drar’, - ’lite för mycket
eller för litet, och allt är förstört’ som Blyth så klokt säger.
Allah is the Time
Den elektriska principen – är
separation som skapar ett starkt
magnetfält –
många människor utbrunna batterier att
kasseras och en bitvis död natur.
’to grieve
an old mischief is the best way to bring new mischief on’ – (Shakespeare)
De söker smärta och att dela solen – för
att verka materiella fördelar.
’woe to the
one who is persistent upon hardship’ – Profet Muhammad
It is the
weight of time that matters… (not how much time has elapsed)
idol-worshipping woman, goes with a gaze
units – people
into ‘not
good enough’ and ‘my space’
the split
hurt, as the man looks down on her
with the sun
in his face
becomes a
that sucks down health
into a
some in
despair turn into statue-worship
think: I’ll become an idol
and into the
worship of the same sinks..
pleasure with pain…
and leaving
the honest person for no specific reason at all
out to die
in the rain…
as her sick
mind is focused upon inflicting the pain
and split
herself off after the ecstatic pleasure phase –
the mind
thus disturbed with it’s inflicted unease
the way that
then is staked out – can be various…
To adorarnas kk
April 27, 2020
You stole away the magic from my eyes. And claimed your
club was a paradise.
That the one who gained entrance to, would have an easy fix to a faked ‘I love you’.
Jews spread the disease paranoid skizophreni.
What just a moment ago, came naturally, became slowly filled with horrow and filth.
What Allah willed to be, you impeded cunningly.
Thanks to God today I’m enough square-headed to understand you tactics.
I’ve gone through unbearable sorrow to reach here, now again you want to impede and take all joy away from earth and me.
I just sit straight down this to say, so I will have a happy day.
That the one who gained entrance to, would have an easy fix to a faked ‘I love you’.
Jews spread the disease paranoid skizophreni.
What just a moment ago, came naturally, became slowly filled with horrow and filth.
What Allah willed to be, you impeded cunningly.
Thanks to God today I’m enough square-headed to understand you tactics.
I’ve gone through unbearable sorrow to reach here, now again you want to impede and take all joy away from earth and me.
I just sit straight down this to say, so I will have a happy day.
Like Jack de Mollay’s curse, as he was burned by the
inquisition, made the temperature in France drop 20 degrees in just some
and there came, a famine:
likewise is the work you do, hurtful to the whole lovelife of society.
You’re a machine separating ones and zeroes.
and there came, a famine:
likewise is the work you do, hurtful to the whole lovelife of society.
You’re a machine separating ones and zeroes.
Vår framtid
beror mycket på associationsbanor – därför säger Sunnah: uttala inte Allahs
namn på toaletten, då blir du besatt av en demon.
’Allt beror
på sinnet’ – säger österländsk visdom.
Den som
börjar associera Allah med lukten av avföring, kommer se sin framtid lösas upp
och falla ned mot reptilformer.
Sunnah säger även åt oss, att
inte knulla vår(a) hustru(r) i röven.
Kanske borde man med tanke på
detta, ha dusch och toalett i separata rum?
Sweden 2020 – a brainwashed state of vampyres
April 28, 2020
Sweden 2020 concentrating all negativity on the
scapegoat – here called p.s. They say is an ‘incurable disease’ (that
someone might actually be blessed with divinity, instead of catching the first
fly they can get hold of, and like a spider digest it, making some more cobweb
they call literature as to catch more … dreaming of a tasty bird finally…) noone
is supposoed to notice the real culprits.
Such a person can be the health of the world, (a
fountain where the water is ever fresh, instead of a cistern, that is supposed
to be transported back and forth, and the content rotting, like the living
rest…) But that’s not enough… like Joseph K. in The Process – they
will cut his heart wide open.
Actually, he has to be much more healthy and
virtuous-minded than the others – otherwise he’s untrusted and gets screwd by
societie’s pliers. The least insecurity in his voice, makes the others suspect,
‘that one is a skizo-friend’.
The state Jahbulon dreamed of long ago, where the
kitty-on-the-catwalk gets you into a trance, then, you get battered, with
insults that dance – and – in panic you fly straight into the trap: the spider(‘s
web), is enhanced.
It is the angels – who rule the weathers – an enormous
fountain bearer. Everything depends upon the mind – from the intention, the
given situations arise. I’m no wretched poet – but an Imam – the vampyres fight
against me reaching Paradise. That’s why, I’m in relation to my ‘crime’ the
most hunted man in (at) this very time. Surely I’m no spy(der), but an honest
man, doing Allahs work on earth.
The sufis in Copenhagen, put intellect as a means to
gain wisdom. They lack compassioness – and just want to grab that piece of
intuition. Just like herring they all turned their heads – at the same fucking
direciton, and called oe of the 12(th) (great) Imam(s) a qafr, for something
they’d caused themselves (by their ignorance.) They must mention Allahs name
much, as they sit pooping. Since their way of evaluating a question is like
doping. Maybe all sufis today are like that; in comes fertile rain – but in
their brain – no life comes out – just digesting it straight down into the
snake that squeezes a fart out, though no one hears the shit – since it’s held
back. The feeling though arise.. they bow down, they wash every limb and hand,
but like the airplane (in Saga Wendotte’s collage) ‘Reality comes crashing
The dogs of Hell in Sweden!..
well – it’s hard to tell…
you’re not allowed to speak or write about them,
then you get sentenced for ‘racism’
they’re a shadow, that can attack you at any time from
and the believers in this doctrine, gets sickdom into their
and project the same, at the innocent victim…
well, it’s hard to tell, who are the culprits?!:
the dogs of hell!
and the swedes their victims, but, in far worse situation!:
the chemical lobotomization!
The women is a mirror,
held up to the real man’s sun:..
like a moon those pearly eyes shine
beautifully in the last beams of the evening sun…
the sickle, starts the game:
who’ll be making it? or – simply the same? as my paranoid
then: shall I, or shall I not…?
she gets hot, and becomes pregnant with your child:
realize: that’s how it works out, in the wild!
They don’t ever want to allow the moon to get full –
so – they split and split for the idols to win
and – their other half –
an ‘eternal looser’ be…
the sickle (oh my gosh!)
has taken a hold of the world and me!
Engdahl skriver i Meteorer falskt, mycket falskt, att sinnessjuka människor
’vet precis’ – faktum är att detta är grunden till friskhet: utan tes, så finns
ingen antites – inget energifält vari magnetism kan upplevas, och alltså ingen
syntes. ’Dåren som framhärdar i dårskap skall bli vis’ skriver William Blake.
Att sätta tes och antites i samma mening, är splitter, ett typ av sjuk
självcensur. Att veta precis får dock inte vara ett ’credo in absurdum’, där
den hävdade vetskapen går över till att bli en vetenskap eller t.o.m. en typ av
trossats. Det måste stanna på tesis-planet.
You were
angry once!?
Now – you’ll be that for the rest of your life…
that’s because you have no rights… you see…
we’ll permanent the condition, by enforcing “medicine”…
‘ a stingy thought is the worst’ as Allah says..
so now… come along with me..
blygsamhet är det värsta jag vet… den falskt navelskåd-samme kvinnan, väljer
att sätta sig vid den falske mannen, som ytligt sätt verkar glad, verkar vara
Att ha mist
sina huggtänder och klor, leder till tristess, att lockas att ge sig till en
Idolerna och
deras dyrkares (och deras slavar statydyrkarnas) filosofi är enkelt uttryckt i
O Bombas ord:
’yes I can’
kan de göra dig
illa, råna dig, förnedra dig, gör dessa det. Ifall de inte kan – väntar de på
’rätt’ tillfälle.
Deras taktik är
att erbjuda dig lockande ting när du inte behöver dem, om du dock blir
beroende, så ser de till att du får betala dyrt, ifall du alls ska få något
från dem.
Friday 5th June 2020 - at about 15 o clock
James Samples on hötorget hosting - Make believeThe impostorflashed a line of 'wealthy assets' in front of my eyes that I of course wasn't supposed to ask about 'golden promises charm' his half lies I saw through the faked 'I love you' I really admires his wit but - as his promises was to be 'fulfilled' didn't fit. There came the hit, on my social reputation and the 'sensation' about the disgusting 'thanks' he gave. I had told him 'one more time, me on an impostor goes down, that could ruin my life' the bastard didn't care there was something in the air of 'always evading' to get caught red handed. And that wasn't all he persecuted me - so I would fall may Allah not let him succeed I didn't know actually a person could be so nice and still be a deadly peril... P.S. Some hours later, this prophecy came true - D.S. The impostor is working in blackmail fashion Peeking into many different situations And in secret gather information. When he knows he’s got that card to push his yet unaware victim Into desperation He simply leaves it there Coming up with some phony explanation The victim feeling that sting of irritation Is slowly pushed further and further towards the ledge. When he blows his top The assault comes as a shock Unless at that point He’s done everything right All to Allah’s might. That devil will focus on an overproportioned fault And self-righteously claim ‘it’s all your fault’ That lie is (one of) the worst hurts. Part 3. Written 08:30 10 June 2020 He’s a traitor on all levels – Materia he craves, and is prepared to destroy your friends and lovers By giving “what you really think about them” Some words you’ve thrown out in desperation previously. He’s a traitor to Allah and enlightenment As Periander suddenly turning In pretence the whole thing was a joke, Murdering the new-born baby With his own hands. He’s foremost using some myth, of his skills in saving people from accidents. Everybody is supposed to admire his past background, When suddenly the interrogation bulb, is flashed in your face And smite gets your good name And that devil has no shame, At all levels of reality comes the assault The traitor being worst than Judas, who out of envy betrayed the Master, But only by leading the enemy to the physical site Judas hanged himself later, But this devil will never have even that much sense. *** |
Skriven 5 Juni på morgonen
Odd Wingdahl mytologi 1I Odd Wingdahls mytologi, är det att driva andra till vansinne - genom att krympa deras luftrum, genom att vägra acceptera några alternativ, dvs. de förbjuder dig att göra 1.Du gör som 2. det förbjuder de också. När du gör som 3. så driver de dig till vansinne. Detta kallar denna djävul för 'överkänslighet' ! 'Allah lägger inte på en människa mer än den orkar bära' Så ni morska okänsliga idioter, varsågod! ta emot skiten! Säkerligen kommer ni aldrig bli 'överkänsliga'. |
How can a woman’s beauty
be restored
if we are created in the wombs of our mothers?
but – by sufficing to the male force
and become an admirer of Allahs power?
If that envy goes away
the male can restore her health
in a miraculous way
For the male
when that jealousy cracks his skull
and only the bones remain
without a brain
and a cold wind whistles through
and split feels the old secret ‘I love you’
and the shit of the world
as an envious snake is coming through
his great sublimity
to suffer to make room for his love
cleaning away all disgusting obstacles
a readiness that the
impossible can be done
and finally
after long perilous strain
he could become a sun.
Wingdahl family syndrome:
as soon a positive force, exists between the two
they send in an agent to destroy that pure love in them two…
giving of charms to one of ‘em
tempting with titles and expected accumulation!
Just some cynical wit, and the “critizism” begins
“how much can you take of this shit? hö hö…”
“We go on down the tunnel that end in Hell –
but on the way, I puzzle my victim!”
Den stackars
Skrattretande är
min kompanion:
likt han ville
nåt gott –
fast maskerade
sin ton:
förblindar lätt den
som icke nått den
rätta tyngdpunkten:
Låt dig dock
aldrig splittra upplevelsen!
situationen blir
då bara värre!
Skratta och glädj
jag hoppas det
lär den stackarn
att uppskatta den
upphöjelse som kommer med publikationen!
Från den
positionen –
kan vi sublimera
den stora onda
myten är sprucken i bitar –
från och med nu
kan vi växa mer naturligt –
vi motsatser i
They just have a
big haze
possessed by the light of Satan.
They can excert no power,
except as a group
they have lost the connection with the unseen
and their prayer is meaningless since they don’t give for
Allahs sake
But on distance I can move them as a group
but as soon as I show up – get bartered with stupid hate and
Unenlightened muslims
without the power of zikhr….
their light flickers…
‘är det enbart en
villfarelse av vår natur, att när många olyckor kommer tillsammans (samtidigt) vi
gärna inbillar oss att det bästa är nära?” skriver jag någonstans i Jag lever i
vår tid, Bruni.
Detta har en
djup, men mycket enkel förklaring: att bli räddad utav Allah – att uppnå hans
Medlidande, att uppleva kärlek, är det högsta, det som, kan ta oss till
Då människors
masker faller, och vi ser deras gränslösa egoism och girighet, deras
fullständiga avsaknad av empati: detta är det bästa!
Då slipper vi förslösa
mer falska förhoppningar på dem, och Allah ger det övertaget till oss (Allahuma
amin), detta är mirakulöst, den stora konsten, och bara vi bevisat oss vara
beredda att kasta oss rakt in i det vi möter som ’intighet’ (nihil), är Allahs
nåd på detta vis möjlig.
Hemligheten med
varför världen särbehandlar mig till det negativa, och kräver att jag
ska vara en outsinlig källa av andlig illumination de vill dricka ur och bli ”kända”
och tillfredsställda, är för att Allah genom mig håller den i ett fast grepp.
Då de hatar detta
grepp, och vill fortsätta leva sina småaktiga behagliga liv, blir de rasande
och börjar förfölja och få för sig massa sjuka paranoida vanföreställningar de
projicerar på mig, för att de kan (tror de) komma undan med det.
’No one is
allowed to leave this planet’, som Paul Bowles uttryckte det, med andra ord, är
Paradisets dörrar öppna för dig, lagar Satan till en djävla soppa och vill ha
dig med som en extra cullinarisk krydda.
To consume physical meat, weather it be a meatbeef, or an
intercourse, separates the spirit from the common sea of pleasure and
Therefore monks who are in search of Self-power, are vegetarians
and live a celibate life.
This kind of life is good in it’s cultivation of Self-power,
but not yet really human.
‘It’s human to be weak’, is a very true sentence, though,
evil people through the ages has claimed themselves to be ‘great sinners’ –
using these two to excuse their evilness.
A muslim is really human.
Christianity produces geniuses, that the mass get jealous
of, and sacrifices if they can.
The geniuses become spiritual meat that the masses wants to devour.
Islam presented the idea, that, if the two illicit meat
sources are done in a fashion pleasing to Allah, it might still affect the
soul, but in that way that no human is God, all of us are weak
creatures, thus taking away the idea that one man, is supposed to be a
spiritual well the masses sacrifice to Satan eventually, after he’s done all
he can.
Islam came with the idea, that a muslim is a human,
and thus has the right to exist, as such, under the condition that he follows
the rules of Islam, and is prepared to be punished if he transgresses these.
With this comes the idea that it doesn’t matter what
other people thing about us, as long as Allah forgives us.
The illness of Christianity became the thought, that the
mass, was supposed to forgive the genius for giving too much, being too
good, it became a disbelief and revolt (teaser) against God’s command.
“when is that Doomsday you speak about coming anyway?!’
Islam cured this (and this is surely the reason why
Christians regard Prophet Muhammad as inferior to Christ, or even an impostor)
by Muhammad being as everybody else, but in the best, most excellent
honest manner.
By this the Christ sickness, was broken down, and the fabulous
idea that a human is allowed to exist on earth, simply for being a
muslim (a believer), what a relief!
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